Thursday, 1 May 2008

Day 0 - the journey

Well i am 5 miles above nova scotia and very merry.......travelling First Class, which is nice, and my two gay stewards just couldnt say no when i asked for more......if only it was more fine cognac!

well it didnt start so well, we got off at 7.30 as planned , but a small diversion to the bus stop for darling dauhter 3 imo added a half an hour as we took her to school ......and when it comes to travel i lke things simple and EARLY!!!

Well Lisa was cool, she is the opposite to me when it comes to travel and was perfctly happy lisentining to Nick Ferrari on LBC on the M25 and even though we had many hours to spare was OK......i was TENSE.

.....but we got there 2 hours before departure and i could finally relax........a glass of champagne....and another.

The flight landed on time and i was relaxing in the Hotel Monaco by 3pm local time

i then had a nice fish dinner with my friend Roberto who i had met on a previous road trip in california, and an early night - well 3am back in england.

Tomorrow - shopping, sight-seeing and meet the rest of the group for the start of Route 66.